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The Mind-Blowing 5 JS Tricks You Never Knew Existed

5 Java Script tricks

Have you ever desired to take your JavaScript skills to the next level? That last line of code you can’t quite get to work? Or have you been looking for a way to make a unique project stand out from the crowd? Whether you’re new to JavaScript programming or an experienced developer, there’s always something more to learn.

From shortcuts that can speed up your coding process, to tips that’ll help optimize your code and links that’ll point you in the direction of resources, I’m here to give your skillset the upgrade it deserves. So, if you’re ready and excited, read on — let’s get started!

Read on for five mind-blowing JavaScript tricks that you never knew existed.

The Power of JS Promises

JS Promises are one of the greatest and most powerful development tools that you’ve ever heard of. At their core, they provide an intuitive and powerful way to handle asynchronous tasks like accessing APIs or making requests to databases.

With Promises, you can write code that seamlessly handles the results of operations and manage errors the same way you would handle any other data. When working with long sequences of chained promises, it’s also possible to make a single error-handling statement that will catch all errors throughout the chain.

Perhaps most importantly, Promises makes it easier to work with complex asynchronous logic by allowing you to break down logic into manageable chunks rather than writing it all at once in a single block.

This simplicity increases readability and maintainability in your codebase, which is always a plus!

Utilizing Destructuring

Another great JavaScript trick that you may not have known about is destructuring. This technique allows you to assign values from an object and array to variables.

For example, here’s how you could use destructuring to assign the variables name and age from the object person:

``` js

let person = {name: 'John', age: 20};

let {name, age} = person;

console.log(name); // Outputs 'John'

console.log(age); // Outputs 20


By using destructuring, you can save time while coding compared to accessing multiple properties of an object one by one. On top of this, it makes your code more organized and easier to read—which is always a plus!

Plus, if you’re dealing with larger objects with multiple properties, it’s quick and easy for you to easily assign only what properties are relevant to your needs at the time.

Working With ES6 Constructors

When it comes to working with ES6 constructors, there are a few mind-blowing tricks that you might not know about.

Default Parameters

ES6 constructors let you add in default parameters that let you set the values of defined parameters before they’re called. This means that if no parameters are passed in when the constructor is called, it will fall back to the default values instead.

This is extremely useful since you don’t have to check each parameter for an undefined value when initializing the constructor and instead, just use a default one.

Spread Operator

Another great trick is using the spread operator which lets you assign all properties of an object during initialization. This can be done with regular functions, but using the spread operator with ES6 constructors makes things easy and lets you do things like quickly extend existing objects or add additional properties to an existing object without having to explicitly call each of them manually.

Object Destructuring

For tidiness and readability purposes, ES6 constructors also let us use object destructuring which gives us the ability to call multiple values from inside an object at once. This is especially useful when dealing with large data sets and makes reading code a lot easier too!

Leveraging Closure Syntax

If you’re looking to be a JavaScript pro, the fifth must-know trick on our list is all about closure syntax. It gives developers the ability to create code modules that are isolated from the global scope (and from each other, if desired).

Closures give you a convenient way to store variables and functions that aren’t limited to the scope of your script. This can be incredibly useful when looping and manipulating data, as well as in situations where you need to work with multiple variables and their respective values independently.

Here are some of the amazing things that can be done with closure syntax:

  • Create a database of functions that are separated from the global scope
  • Access private data within individual functions without polluting the global namespace
  • Isolate variables with different combinations of functions and conditions in an organized fashion
  • Avoid global namespace collisions when using 3rd-party libraries

Unraveling the Mystery of Recursion

In JavaScript, recursion can be used to solve problems—like finding factorials and Fibonacci numbers—where you call the function until it reaches some base case.

But recursion can get mind-boggling—literally. Let me explain: if you have a recursive function that calls itself multiple times (say n times), you can create an algorithm that “unravels” your code, like so:

  1. Create a loop to run as many times as is specified by n.
  2. Each step of the loop should contain a call to the original function, just like in the recursive code.
  3. Inside each loop iteration, check for the base case and return when it’s satisfied (this will end your loop).
  4. Otherwise, continue through your loop iteratively until you’ve reached n calls or the bases case is satisfied

This technique is called unraveling and it’s designed to make recursive algorithms easier to understand and debug, by breaking down each step of your code into an iterative process—and it’s just one of many mind-boggling JS tricks!


Mastering JavaScript can open up a whole new world of coding possibilities, and the 5 tricks that we’ve discussed here are only just the tip of the iceberg. Playing with objects and arrays, understanding the power of CLOSURES, and being able to write clean and efficient code are all essential skills that make you a better coder.

The key to becoming a better JavaScript programmer is to keep learning and exploring the language. With the right know-how and practice, you’ll be able to write sophisticated code and be able to tackle any coding project that comes your way!

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