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How to Install Code::Blocks on Linux Mint 20.3

Code::Blocks is a cross-platform IDE for developing programs in C, C++, and FORTRAN. It supports multiple compilers like GCC, Visual C++, etc. It is a free and open-source IDE that can easily be installed on almost any operating system of your choice. In this article, we will tell you how you can install the Code::Blocks IDE on a Linux Mint 20.3 system.


The only pre-requisite for installing Code::Blocks on Linux Mint 20.3 is that you need to have the GCC compiler installed on your system beforehand.

Method of Installing Code::Blocks on Linux Mint 20.3:

For installing Code::Blocks on Linux Mint 20.3, the following steps are to be performed:

Step # 1: Add the Universe Repository to Linux Mint 20.3:

You first need to add the universe repository to your system by running the command shown below:

$ sudo add-apt-repository universe

Step # 2: Update your System’s Cache:

After the addition of the universe repository to your system, you need to update it with the following command:

$ sudo apt-get update

Step # 3: Install Code::Blocks on Linux Mint 20.3:

Now, you can install the Code::Blocks IDE on your system by running the command shown below:

$ sudo apt-get install codeblocks

Step # 4: Launch Code::Blocks through Linux Mint 20.3 Terminal:

Once the Code::Blocks IDE has been successfully installed on your system, you can launch it through the terminal with the following command:

$ codeblocks

The interface of the Code::Blocks IDE can be seen in the image shown below:


Now, if you want to remove the Code::Blocks IDE from your system, then you will have to perform the following two steps:

Step # 1: Uninstall the Code::Blocks IDE:

First, you need to completely uninstall the Code::Blocks IDE from your system with the command shown below:

$ sudo apt-get purge --autoremove codeblocks

Step # 2: Remove the Universe Repository:

Then, you need to remove the universe repository as well from your system by executing the command that follows:

$ sudo add-apt-repository --remove universe


With this article, we wanted to share with you the procedure of installing the Code::Blocks IDE on a Linux Mint 20.3 system. We have also shared with you the requirement that needs to be met before installing Code::Blocks on your system. Moreover, we even explained to you the method of removing the Code::Blocks IDE from Linux Mint 20.3. Therefore, if you ever intend to remove this IDE from your system, then you can easily do it with the command that we have shared.

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