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How to Install Metasploit Framework on Ubuntu 22.04

How to Install Metasploit Framework on Ubuntu 22.04

Metasploit Framework is a powerful tool for penetration testing and vulnerability assessment. It offers a platform and fantastic tools for exploiting various operating systems, applications, and devices and performing deep system security auditing.

This post will explain the step-by-step instructions to install Metasploit Framework on Ubuntu 22.04 using the Nightly build installers.

How to Install Metasploit Framework on Ubuntu 22.04?

Metasploit Framework uses PostgreSQL as its database backend to store information about targets, exploits, payloads, and sessions. Let’s explore the below steps for installing this framework.

Step 1: Update Your System

Before installing Metasploit Framework, update your Ubuntu 22.04 packages:

sudo apt update

Now, head toward the next step.

Step 2: PostreSQL Installation

For PostgreSQL installation on Ubuntu 22.04, run the following command:

sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib -y

Next, run this command for enabling the PostgreSQL service:

sudo systemctl enable --now postgresql

Step 3: Download Metasploit Framework installer script

To install Metasploit Framework on Ubuntu 22.04, utilize the Nightly build installer script provided by Rapid7. This script will add a Metasploit Framework repository and install all the relevant dependencies that are needed for a successful installation.

Execute this command for downloading the installer script:

curl > msfinstall

Step 4: Run Script

Next, make the installer script executable with the provided command:

chmod +x msfinstall

Then, users can launch the Metasploit installer by running:

sudo ./msfinstall

The installer takes some time to complete and displays some output on the terminal. Once it finishes, users have Metasploit Framework installed on the system.

How to Launch Metasploit Framework on Ubuntu 22.04?

Once the installation is done, users can launch Metasploit Framework by running:

sudo msfconsole

You see a banner with information about Metasploit Framework and some tips on how to use it. Users use “help <command>” to learn more about any command


To install Metasploit Framework on Ubuntu 22.04, use the Nightly build installer script provided by Rapid7. It allows users to test their network’s security, exploit system weaknesses, and perform various attacks. You can now start exploring its commendable features. This post has shown how to install Metasploit Framework on Ubuntu 22.04 using the official installer script.

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