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How to Install OBS Studio on Ubuntu 22.04

Ubuntu is a very robust operating system for system admins. You get a wide and diverse range of tools at your disposal to efficiently manage your IT infrastructure. If you’ve ever found yourself wanting to teach a new person on your team something, or create a tutorial for your knowledge base, and don’t know where to begin, worry not. In this guide, I will talk about the installation steps of OBS Studio and explore it on Ubuntu 22.04. It is a free and easy-to-use screen casting tool that you can install on any operating system to record and stream your screen.

OBS Studio is an amazing tool for users new to the world of screen casting and streaming. It features support for scripts as well as plugins which can expand the functionality of the tool to a great extent. So, let us begin and explore the installation steps of OBS studio on Ubuntu 22.04.

Update the apt repositories

It’s always a good idea to update the apt repositories before installing anything, so let’s get that out of the way with:

$sudo apt update -y

And then after that has successfully completed, you need to run:

$sudo apt upgrade -y

After both of these commands have successfully completed, we are now ready to install OBS Studio.

Installing OBS Studio

Via the terminal

Unlike many others, you cannot simply use “sudo apt install” to start the installation. We have to first import the OBS repository into our system and then we can install it.

$sudo add-apt-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio -y

This will include the stable build repository into your Ubuntu 22.04. If you venture into the unstable dev territory and install the dev build, you can utilize this:

$sudo add-apt-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio-unstable -y

After we’ve imported the repository without any errors, we need to update the list in order to have the APT package manager detect it:

$sudo apt update

After the list has been updated, we can now install OBS Studio stable with:

$sudo apt install obs-studio -y

Via the Ubuntu Software Store

It is also available through the Ubuntu software store, so you if you don’t want to mess around with commands in the terminal, you can install it from there as well.

Head on over to the Ubuntu Software Store.

From the search icon in the upper left corner, expand the search box and type “obs studio”, and click on the application icon.

In the next screen, you need to press the “Install” button and then provide your password. It will initiate the installation process.

Once this is completed, you will see the “Install” button replaced.

Launching OBS Studio

After the installation is completed, and you get your prompt back, you can launch OBS Studio via the terminal or the GUI.

For the GUI, simply open up the search application text box and type in “OBS” and click on the application icon.

If you want to open OBS Studio via the terminal, you need to type:


There is no difference in the application if you launch it through one way or the other.

Using OBS Studio

OBS Studio has a built-in wizard that helps you get set up when you are launching it for the first time. It will walk you through the process of selecting your input and output devices for both video and audio and leave you ready to start once it’s over.

Uninstalling OBS Studio

For any reason, if you want to get rid of OBS Studio from your Ubuntu 22.04, you can uninstall it easily from your Ubuntu 22.04.

If you’ve installed it via the terminal, you can use the following:

$sudo apt autoremove obs-studio --purge -y

This will remove OBS Studio and all of its dependencies from your system, freeing up a considerable amount of hard disk space.

If you installed OBS Studio through the Ubuntu Software Store, you can go back into the store and then onto the application page. Here you need to click on the uninstall button and then provide your sudo password to remove it from your system.


OBS Studio is an amazing screencast/streaming tool. The ease of use and the plethora of features makes it great for anyone getting into the world of streaming or starting a tutorial series.

As always, if you run into any issues during the installation process, you can reach out to us through the comment section below and we will gladly help you through it.

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