How to Install Postman on Ubuntu 24.04

Postman is an API platform that simplifies API development. It is an API testing platform where you can create, design, and share new APIs without needing additional frameworks or complex setups.

Postman is available on different platforms like Linux, Windows, and macOS. It is available in both free and paid versions for installation. This Postman installation article will cover steps for Postman installation on Ubuntu 24.04.

Table of Contents:

1. What Is Postman and What Is It Used For?

Postman is a computer application you can use for testing and designing APIs. Postman provides a central platform where you can store, catalog, and collaborate on all of your designed API artifacts. This includes the managing of APIs, documentation, and their result and metrics-related information. Developers around the world use Postman to simplify their API development process and create better APIs.

2. How to Install Postman on Ubuntu 24.04

To install Postman on Ubuntu 24.04 you can either use the snap package or get it using the flatpak. Now we will cover both these Postman installation methods in detail.

When you install Postman on Ubuntu 24.04, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Don’t use the sudo command while launching Postman, as it can cause potential permission problems with Postman’s created files.
  • Must verify that you got the read/write permission for the ~/.config directory because it is the directory where Postman saves its data.
  • Confirm that OpenSSL has been properly installed on your device

2.1. Install Postman Using Snap

The simplest way of installing Postman on Ubuntu 24.04 is using the snap command. For this, your system must have Snap installed. Now follow the given steps for Postman installation using the snap.

Step 1: First open the console and update your Ubuntu system packages:

sudo apt update

This command will update package information for the apt package manager. It also synchronizes the local package database with the remote repositories.

Step 2: Snap comes pre-installed on Ubuntu, if it’s not installed in your system you can get it using this command:

sudo apt install snapd

Step 3: Once the Snap is installed, you can get the Postman application using the following command:

sudo snap install postman

Step 4: Once Postman is installed, you can launch it directly through the terminal by typing this command:


You can also launch it from the application menu by searching the Postman name in the search bar.

2.2. Install Postman Using Flathub

The second way to install Postman is by using the Flathub repository. Flathub serves as a repository for Flatpak packages. Similar to the Snap package manager, Flatpak also allows us to bundle applications and dependencies together.

To install Postman using the Flathub on Ubuntu 24.04 you can follow the given steps.

Step 1: First thing first, install the Flatpak in your system by running:

sudo apt install flatpak

Step 2: Now add the Flathub repository as a remote source for Flatpak.

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

The –if-not-exist flag will only add the Flathub repository if it’s missing. The URL points to the Flathub repository.

After entering the above command, enter the system password. This is necessary for authentication before adding the Flatpak to your system.

Step 3: Finally, install the Postman application from Flathub by running this command:

flatpak install flathub com.getpostman.Postman

Once the Postman installation is completed, you will see the Installation complete message on the screen.

Step 4: After installation, run the Postman using this command command:

flatpak run com.getpostman.Postman

It launches Postman, allowing you to use it for API testing and development.

3. Create a Desktop Icon for Postman in Ubuntu 24.04

If you have installed Postman using the Snap, then you will get a desktop icon for launching it directly from the app menu. But if you have installed Postman using the Flatpak, then you will not get the Postman launch icon.

To get the Postman desktop icon, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open a terminal and create a new desktop file in your local applications folder:

nano ~/.local/share/applications/postman.desktop

Step 2: Paste the following content into the file:

[Desktop Entry]




Comment=Postman Native App

Exec=/usr/bin/flatpak run com.getpostman.Postman







Step 3: Save the file and close the editor.

Step 4: You can see the Postman icon is successfully created. Now let’s download the original Postman icon and apply it to this.

Step 5: Download an image to use as the Postman icon. You can find the official Postman logo or any other image you prefer. Save it to a preferred location.

Step 6: In the desktop file you created, replace the Icon= line with the path to the downloaded icon image. For example:


After editing the file, save it and exit the nano editor.

To apply the changes, log out or restart your desktop environment.

Now you should be able to find Postman in the application menu or launcher. Search for Postman or look under the Development category.

4. Uninstall Postman in Ubuntu 24.04

If you have installed Postman using Snap, then you can uninstall it using the following command:

sudo snap remove postman

On the other hand, if you installed Postman using the Flathub then you should run the below common for its uninstallation:

flatpak uninstall flathub com.getpostman.Postman


Postman is the API design tool. It allows you to design, create, and share APIs without any need for additional frameworks or dependencies. It simplifies the overall process of API designing. Like other OS, you can also get Postman on Ubuntu 24.04 using the two methods. You can either install it as a Snap package or download it from the Flathub repository. Both these methods give you the updated version of Postman. For further details on Postman installation in Ubuntu 24.04 read the article.

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