How to Install Apache on Ubuntu 24.04?

Apache is known for its robust performance, strong security features, and ability to work well with other software components. Ubuntu 24.04, being a long-term support release, provides a stable and secure environment for running services like Apache. Together, they form a solid foundation for serving web content to users worldwide. Based on its significance, this article will explain the step-by-step instructions to install and set up a virtual host on Ubuntu 24.04:

Let’s begin with the installation.

How to Install Apache on Ubuntu 24.04?

The purpose of installing Apache on Ubuntu 24.04 is to set up a reliable and efficient web server that can handle the hosting needs of websites and web applications. To install Apache on Ubuntu 24.04, follow the below methods:

Step 1: Update Packages List

Before installing any new software, updating the system packages list is always a good convention. For this, run the below command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Step 2: Install Apache

Once the packages are updated, install Apache using the “apt” command below:

sudo apt install apache2

Step 3: Adjust the Firewall

Now, secure the Apache server by adjusting the firewall settings. It allows traffic on ports 80 and 443 by running:

sudo ufw enable # Activate Firewall
sudo ufw app list # Display Available Rules
sudo ufw allow 'Apache Full' # Allow Traffic

Step 4: Check Web Server

Users can verify that Apache is running by accessing your server’s public IP address in a web browser. It displays the default Ubuntu 24.04 Apache web page:

Note: Users can find the server IP address of the working machine via the below command:

hostname -I

Step 5: Verify Apache Installation

Users can also check the Apache services via the “systemctl” command with the “status” utility as below:

sudo systemctl status apache2

Optional: Configure Apache Services

To configure the Apache Services on Ubuntu 24.04, use the “systemctl” command with the following utilities:

sudo systemctl start apache2 # Start Apache
sudo systemctl stop apache2 # Stop/Halt the Apache Daemon

sudo systemctl status apache2 # Display Status
sudo systemctl reload apache2 # Reload Apache

sudo systemctl enable apache2 # Enable Apache to start

sudo systemctl disable apache2 # Disable Apache Daemon

That is all from the installation. Let’s move forward to the configuration.

How to Set Up Virtual Hosts Using Apache on Ubuntu 24.04?

Setting up Virtual Hosts using Apache is a fundamental task for server administrators and web developers looking to host multiple websites on a single server. This process involves creating a configuration file for each website in the /etc/apache2/sites-available directory, which defines how the Apache web server responds to various domain requests.

For setting up virtual hosts using Apache on Ubuntu 24.04, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Create a Directory for Virtual Host Files

First, create a directory for the website under “/var/www/” and assign the proper permissions. Let’s create a “” directory as below:

sudo mkdir /var/www/

Note: Or navigate to “/var/www/html” to find the default index.html file. Then, replace or modify it with your website’s files.

Step 2: Assign Ownership of the directory

Now, assign the ownership permission to the directory with the below command:

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www/

Step 3: Create a Webpage

It a time to create the web page named “index.html” under the above-created “” directory:

sudo nano /var/www/

Add the following lines in the .html file. Users can also display webpage content based on preferences/needs:

<title>Hello Linuxgenie Users</title>
<h2>Linuxgenie is empowering linux users</h2>

Step 4: Create a New Virtual Host File

Now, create and edit a new virtual host file in “/etc/apache2/sites-available/your_domain.conf” using a Nano (text editor). Our configuration file named “” is as below:

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/

Add the following configuration to the file, replacing “” with your actual domain name:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www/
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

Note: By default, Apache serves its website in the “/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf” file.

Step 5: Enable the New Virtual Host Files

Now, enable new sites using the “a2ensite” utility by mentioning the “” host file:

sudo a2ensite

Optional: Users can also disable the default site with the “a2dissite” command by specifying the configuration file name “000-default.conf” as below:

sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf

Step 6: Test Configuration Errors

Now, users can test for configuration errors with the “apache2ctl” command with the “configtest” utility. If the output says “Syntax OK”, then proceed:

sudo apache2ctl configtest

If users find any issue add the server name with the IP address in the “servername.conf” configuration file such as “”. Then, enable the new virtual Host files using the “sudo a2enconf servername” command:

sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf-available/servername.conf

Or add the server name with the IP address on the “/etc/apache2/apache2.conf” file:

Step 7: Reload Apache

Now, users need to reload the Apache services (for applying changes) using the systemctl command:

sudo systemctl reload apache2

Step 8: Verification

Finally, ensure the domain name is pointed to the server’s IP address on the web browser:

Remember to replace “domain name” with your actual domain name and “your_server_IP” with the server’s IP address.

Optional: Secure Apache With Encryption

Secure your site with a free TLS/SSL certificate from Encryption by installing Certbot and running the below command:

sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-apache
sudo certbot --apache

By following these steps, you’ll have a basic website running on Apache in Ubuntu 24.04. Now, your virtual hosts are set up and ready to serve the domain.


To install/configure Apache on Ubuntu 24.04, update system packages and install Apache using the “sudo apt install apache2” command. Then, enable Apache to run on boot with “sudo systemctl enable apache2”. For starting the Apache service, use the “sudo systemctl start apache2” command. Finally, open the web browser and verify that Apache is running by visiting “http://your_server_ip”.

After installation, users can set up virtual hosts by following the above procedure. In this way, Apache has been successfully installed as well as configured on Ubuntu 24.04.

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