How to Install Skype on Ubuntu 24.04?

Skype provides a platform for video conferencing, voice calls, and instant messaging, which is essential for both personal as well as professional interactions. The installation of Skype on Ubuntu 24.04 serves several purposes for users seeking reliable, high-quality communication tools.

For businesses, it facilitates collaboration by allowing teams to conduct virtual meetings, share files, and work on projects in real time, regardless of geographical barriers. Additionally, Skype’s integration with Microsoft’s suite of productivity software enhances its utility for office environments that rely on these tools for daily operations.

This article will explain different ways to install Skype on Ubuntu 24.04 with step-by-step instructions.

How to Install Skype on Ubuntu 24.04?

Ubuntu 24.04 users benefit from Skype’s cross-platform compatibility, ensuring seamless connectivity with contacts using different operating systems. To install Skype on Ubuntu 24.04, follow these methods:

Let’s start with the official method.

Method 1: Install Skype on Ubuntu 24.04 Using the Debian Package

To install Skype on Ubuntu 24.04 using the Debian package, download the latest Skype .deb package from the official Skype website. Once downloaded, navigate to the directory where the .deb file is located and install it. Let’s follow the below steps:

Step 1: Update Package List

Begin the Skype installation by updating the package list using the below command:

sudo apt update

Step 2: Download the Skype Debian Package

After that, download the .deb package of Skype from the official repository via the “wget” command:


Note: If users contain the downloaded .deb file in another directory, change to the specific directory via the “cd” command.

Step 3: Install Skype

Finally, install Skype by using the dpkg command by specifying the “skypeforlinux-64.deb” package name:

sudo dpkg -i skypeforlinux-64.deb

Note: If there are any missing dependencies, fix them with the below command:

sudo apt install -f

Step 4: Launch Skype

After the installation is complete, launch Skype by typing “skypeforlinux” in the terminal or from the application menu:


Remove/Uninstall Skype

To remove/uninstall the Skype Debian package on Ubuntu, use the “remove” option along with the “skypeforlinux” package name:

sudo apt auto remove skypeforlinux # Remove Skype Package Only
sudo apt auto purge skypeforlinux # Remove Skype Package as well Dependent Packages sudo apt auto autoremove skypeforlinux # Completely Remove Skype

sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/skype-stable.list # Remove GPG Key

After these steps, Skype is installed on the Ubuntu system and ready to use.

Method 2: Install Skype on Ubuntu 24.04 Using Snap Package

Ubuntu supports snap packages, and Skype is available as a snap package. To install Skype on Ubuntu 24.04 using Snap, follow these steps:

Step 1: Install Snap

First, users make sure that snapd is installed and update the system package list via the below commands:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install snapd

Step 2: Install Skype

Once snapd is installed, install Skype by using the “snap” command with the sudo privileges:

sudo snap install skype --classic

Step 3: Launch Skype

After the installation is complete, launch Skype from your applications menu or by specifying “skype” in the terminal:


Remove/Uninstall Skype

To remove/uninstall the Skype snap package on Ubuntu, use the “snap” command along with the “skype” package name:

sudo snap remove skype

That is all from this section.

Method 3: Install Skype on Ubuntu 24.04 Using Flatpak

The installation of Skype on Ubuntu is also possible through the Flathub repository. To install Skype on Ubuntu 24.04 using Flatpak, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Install Flatpak

First, ensure that Flatpak is installed on the system. If not, users can install Flatpak by executing the below command:

sudo apt install flatpak

Step 2: Add Flathub Repository

Once Flatpak is installed, users are required to enable the Flathub repository where Skype is available. For instance, use flatpak command to add Flathub as below:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

Step 3: Install Skype

After adding Flathub, proceed to install Skype with the “” application ID:

flatpak install flathub

Step 4: Launch Skype

After the installation is complete, launch/run Skype using the “flatpak” command by mentioning the “” application ID:

flatpak run

Remove/Uninstall Skype

To remove/uninstall the Skype flatpak on Ubuntu 24.04, use the “flatpak” command by specifying the “skype” package name:

flatpak uninstall skype

That is all from the installation section of Skype via flatpak.

Method 4: Install Skype on Ubuntu 24.04 Using Software Center (GUI)

The easiest way to install Skype on Ubuntu 24.04 is possible through the Ubuntu Software Center (GUI). To install Skype on Ubuntu 24.04 via GUI, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Open the Software Center

Begin by opening the “Software Center” from the applications menu:

Step 2: Search Skype

Once it’s open, click the search icon and type “skype” into the search bar. The application appears in the search results and click on “Skype” as below:

Step 3: Install Skype

Now, hit the “Install” button in the application interface. Users may be prompted to enter a root password to authorize the installation:

Step 4: Launch Skype

Once installed, users can find Skype in your applications menu and launch it from there:

Remove/Uninstall Skype

To remove/uninstall Skype on Ubuntu using GUI, hit the “Uninstall” button by searching “skype” in the Software Center:

Tip: Use Skype on Ubuntu 24.04

Once installation is done, launch Skype from the applications menu and sign in to the account:

Ensure your microphone and webcam are properly configured within Ubuntu’s sound settings for an optimal experience.


Overall, installing Skype on Ubuntu 24.04 empowers users with a versatile communication solution that adapts to diverse needs and preferences. To install Skype on Ubuntu 24.04, update the packages list, and download the latest Skype .deb package from the official Skype website. Finally, install Skype via the “sudo apt install ./skypeforlinux-64.deb” command. Alternatively, users can install it via snap with “sudo snap install skype –classic”. In addition, flatpak and Ubuntu Software Center (GUI) offer easy installation of Skype on Ubuntu 24.04.

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