How to Install and Use Slack on Ubuntu 22.04?

Slack is a management and communication platform. Slack is used to manage the team and establish communication between members. The members can access or share the files/information within the specific channels.

Slack provides channels at various levels from one to one and many to many to many. This nullifies the communication gap when the members are away or helpful while working at a single physical place. If one member has to assign/submit the task, he/she does not have to use any other platform. Slack does it all.

All in all, Slack is a wholesome management platform with cross-platform support. Our today’s guide refers to the installation and usage of Slack on Ubuntu 22.04.

How to Install Slack on Ubuntu 22.04?

Slack is available on Ubuntu through various installation platforms, i.e., snap, flatpak, and the deb package. Each method carries a reason to be adopted. Let’s demonstrate these methods one by one:

Using the .deb Package

Slack’s .deb package is available on its website and is the latest stable version. Visit the Slack Website and choose the “.deb” package:

Go to the “Downloads” directory and use the “apt install” command with the file’s name to install Slack:

sudo apt install ./<Package-Name>

The Slack’s version installed through this method is:

Go to the applications menu and find Slack to launch it:

Here’s the interface:

Further usage can be found in the “How to Use” section.

Note: Although the “.deb” package is acquired from the official source/website. However, the “.deb” package-based installation may raise dependencies conflict (not every time but there is a possibility). In such a case, you can try the snap-based installation which is described below.

Using the Snap

Snaps are equipped with all the dependencies and the configurations associated with those packages. That puts snaps on the upper edge than the “.deb” (not all but mostly). Slack support is available using the snap CLI and GUI. Let’s go through both methods:

  • 2.1: Through CLI

Before proceeding, the snap must be installed and enabled on your Ubuntu 22.04. If not, first use the below command to install snapd/enable the snap:

sudo apt install snapd #Install snap Daemon
sudo snap install core #Install Snap Core
sudo systemctl start snapd #Start the Snap Daemon

Now, install Slack using the command:

sudo snap install slack

The version installed via “.deb” is the latest when compared with this snap method.

  • 2.2: Through GUI

Open the Software Center and search for the Slack:

Install it:

Upon the said action, a password prompt appears, enter the password for the successful authentication. Soon, Slack will be installed.

Using Flatpak/Flahub

The flatpak is the package manager that interacts with the flathub repo and fetches/installs the applications. Flatpak/Flathub packages might take larger space but are updated, as compared to the Slack installed from the Snap or the “.deb” method.

Let’s see how you can get Slack through Flatpak:

Install the flatpak:

sudo apt install flatpak

Get the remote support of the flathub repository:

sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

Now, install the slack using its application ID, i.e., com.slack.Slack:

flatpak install flathub com.slack.Slack

Verify the version of installed Slack using the flatpak’s info as follows:

flatpak info com.slack.Slack

Look at the version, it is later than both the above methods. Moreover, it is stable as well.

Now, run the package:

flatpak run com.slack.Slack

These were the possible ways/methods to get Slack on Ubuntu 22.04. Let’s talk about its usage now:

How to Use Slack on Ubuntu 22.04?

If you are new to Slack, you must create a Slack account or use the existing Google account to sign in and start using Slack. Let’s say you are new. Here, we have demonstrated the whole method as per the new user.

Launch the Slack and click on the “Sign In to Slack” button:

You will be asked to enter the existing account or log in through the existing Google account to start. After login, create a workspace or join the existing one:

Once the Workspace is created, the following interface appears:

The left pane is full of features, that allow you to:

  • Manage the workspace.
  • Create a new channel, join a workspace,
  • Establish a new workspace, and send the message directly.
  • Add the coworkers.
  • Create canvases and upload/download files.

You can also manage the workspace by clicking on the workspace as shown below:

Similarly, you can manage your Slack profile by clicking on the profile photo, as follows:

This is the basic usage of Slack on Ubuntu. However, Slack offers a lot of functionality, which can be useful for you in advanced implementation/practical studies.

How to Remove/Uninstall Slack From Ubuntu 22.04?

Although Slack is a very useful utility. However, if you have decided to remove it from Ubuntu (for whatever reason, i.e., not using any anymore, using it on a different platform, switching from snap to flatpak or .deb and vice versa), you need to adopt one of the following methods:

If Installed Via .deb Package

Slack’s package installed via “.deb” is “slack-desktop”. You can remove it as follows:

sudo apt autoremove slack-desktop

If Installed Via Snap

The Slack installed via snap is removed using the command:

sudo snap remove slack

If Installed Via Flatpak/Flathub

Use the below command to remove the Slack from your Ubuntu:

flatpak uninstall com.slack.Slack

Note: You can get rid of the Slack’s binary using the command:

sudo rm -rf ~/.slack

Bottom Line

Ubuntu offers three potential methods to install Slack. The Flatpak and the “.deb” methods offer the latest as well as stable versions whereas the snap provides the stable version but the version is not the latest when compared with the Flatpak or “.deb” method.

If storage space is not an issue, then do follow Flatpak’s method otherwise, you can go for Snap or the “.deb” method. Well, you have learned all these methods. It’s up to you which factor you prioritize.


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