JavaScript Date Tomorrow

Working with dates is a common task in JavaScript applications, and there are various scenarios where developers may need to obtain tomorrow’s date. The common applications that have scheduled events, calculate deadlines, handle time-sensitive operations, perform date-based calculations, or simply display dynamic information. JavaScript provides a built-in Date object that offers a wide range of methods to manipulate and retrieve date and time information.

This article will describe the procedure for getting tomorrow’s date in JavaScript.

How to Get a Date for Tomorrow in JavaScript?

For getting tomorrow’s date, use the “Date” object by following the given steps:

  • Get the current date
  • Create a new Date object for tomorrow
  • Retrieve the components of the date
  • Format the date as desired


For using the Date object the following syntax is utilized:

new Date();

Have a look the following steps for getting a date for tomorrow through JavaScript.

Step 1: Get the Current Date

First, we will get the current date or today’s date using the Date() constructor and display it on the console:

const today = new Date(); 

Step 2: Create a New Date Object for Tomorrow

Now, create a new Date object for tomorrow by copying today’s date:

const tomorrow = new Date(today);

Next, we will set the date of tomorrow by adding 1 to the current date using the setDate() method:

tomorrow.setDate(today.getDate() + 1);

Step 3: Retrieve the Components of the Date
Now, retrieve the day, month, and year components from the Date object “tomorrow” using the “getDate()”, “getMonth()”, and the “getFullYear()” methods, respectively. Note that the month value is zero-based, so we will add 1 to get the actual month:

const tomorrowDay = tomorrow.getDate();

const tomorrowMonth = tomorrow.getMonth() + 1;

const tomorrowYear = tomorrow.getFullYear();

Step 4: Format the Date as Per Requirements

Finally, we will format the date as “dd-mm-yyyy” by concatenating the components:

const tomorrowDate = `${tomorrowDay < 10 ? '0' : ''}${tomorrowDay}-${tomorrowMonth < 10 ? '0' : ''}${tomorrowMonth}-${tomorrowYear}`;

Display the formatted date on the console using the “console.log()” method:

console.log("Tomorrow: " + tomorrowDate);


If you want to display the date in “yyyy-mm-dd” format, simply concatenate the components according to the format:

const tomorrowDate = `${tomorrowYear}-${tomorrowMonth < 10 ? '0' : ''}${tomorrowMonth}-${tomorrowDay < 10 ? '0' : ''}${tomorrowDay}`;

As you can see the output shows tomorrow’s date in “yyyy-mm-dd” format:

We have provided all the essential instructions relevant to getting tomorrow’s date in JavaScript.


To get the date for tomorrow, use the “Date” object. For this, first, get the current date, then, create a new Date object for tomorrow, retrieve the components of the date, and then, format the date. This article described the procedure for getting tomorrow’s date in JavaScript.

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