How to Install Tor Browser on Linux Mint

Tor is a free and open-source software that enhances online privacy and security by anonymizing internet traffic. In Linux and Linux Mint, Tor plays a crucial role in protecting users’ identities and data while browsing the internet. It routes the network traffic through a series of relays, making it difficult to trace the origin and destination of the communication. For Linux Mint users, Tor offers tremendous features such as anonymous web browsing, access to blocked websites, censorship circumvention, and the ability to create hidden services.

Today, we will guide you on how to install Tor on Linux Mint to enjoy these benefits. The commands are practiced on the latest LTS of Linux Mint, i.e., Linux Mint 21.

How to Install Tor on Linux Mint?

The Tor browser is installed on Linux Mint using the apt package manager and the flatpak (using the flathub repository). Both these methods are illustrated with the commands.

Method 1: Install Tor on Linux Mint Using apt

APT, the Advanced Package Tool, is essential in Linux Mint as it simplifies the installation process by managing software packages. It greatly facilitates the installation of Tor Browser on Linux Mint, allowing users to effortlessly install Tor and its dependencies with just a few commands, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Step 1: Update the Package Manager

The first step is to load the updated packages into your apt package manager’s list by issuing the following command:

$ sudo apt update

Step 2: Install the Tor

It’s time to get the latest Tor browser on your Linux Mint system. The command to serve the purpose is presented below:

$ sudo apt install tor

Method 2: Install Tor on Linux Mint Using the flatpak

Flatpak is a software distribution framework that allows the distribution and installation of applications across different Linux distributions, including Linux Mint. It utilizes containerization technology to create sandboxed environments for applications, providing isolation from the underlying system and its libraries.

There is a recommended process to install any package from flatpak, which is as follows:

Step 1: Install Flatpak

By default, the Linux Mint is not equipped with the flatpak manager. Install it via the apt package manager using the command:

$ sudo apt install flatpak

Step 2: Add the flathub Repository

Flatpak gets the packages from the flathub repository. So, it is necessary to add the flathub repository before getting into the packages it provides. You can easily add a flathub repo to your Linux Mint system using the command:

$ flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

After adding the flathub repository, you must enable the flathub repo to avoid any error:

$ flatpak remote-modify --enable flathub

Step 3: Install Tor

Once the flathub repository is added and your flatpak is ready, you can install the Tor browser via the command:

$ flatpak install flathub com.github.micahflee.torbrowser-launcher

How to Remove Tor From Linux Mint?

As the installation of Tor has two different methods. Thus, you have to choose the removal method as per the installation method you followed. We will list both methods that can be used to remove the Tor from Linux Mint:

Remove Tor From Linux Mint Using apt

If the Tor is obtained via apt, then it can be removed from the system via the command:

$ sudo apt autoremove tor

Remove Tor From Linux Mint Using flatpak

If you have installed Tor using the flatpak manager, you can use its uninstall option to remove Tor from Linux Mint. For instance, the command to remove Tor installed via flatpak is as follows:

$ flatpak uninstall flathub com.github.micahflee.torbrowser-launcher

With this command, the Tor (from flatpak) is no longer available on the system.

Wrap Up

Tor is a crucial tool for enhancing online privacy and security in Linux Mint. It provides anonymous web browsing, access to blocked websites, censorship circumvention, and the ability to create hidden services.

To install Tor on Linux Mint, you can choose between two methods: using the apt package manager or the flatpak framework. The apt method simplifies installation and ensures a smooth experience, while the flatpak method offers containerization and compatibility across different Linux distributions.

Both methods have their merits, but the apt method is generally recommended for its simplicity and seamless integration as it is the default for the Debian-based distros. Moreover, you need to adopt only one method at a time. Want more tips and tricks for Linux Mint? Just keep following us at Linux Genie.

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