How to Install Python IDLE on Ubuntu 22.04

Python IDLE is a workspace where you can write and run Python programs without any trouble. Thinking about getting Python IDLE up and running on your Ubuntu 22.04 system?

In this guide, you will learn how to install, access, and even uninstall Python IDLE on your Ubuntu 22.04 system. So, let’s start the guide.

Features of Python IDLE

Below we have compiled some of the commendable features of Python IDLE:

  • Talking to Python: Have a direct chat with Python using a special area and see instant results.
  • Neat Code Writing: Use a tidy writing space with colors that help you understand the code better.
  • Error Detective: Fix mistakes in your code like a detective, one step at a time.
  • Many Windows: Work on different parts of your code all at once, like having multiple pages.
  • Easy Code Running: Write and test your Python programs smoothly, whether for fun or serious projects.
  • Instant Help: Get quick access to the official Python guide right inside the interface.
  • Make Buttons and Art: You can draw buttons and pictures to make your cool stuff.
  • Use Building Blocks: There are pieces of code that are like building blocks – you can use them to build something amazing.
  • Work with Friends: IDLE can team up with other tools to keep your code safe and sound.

How to Install Python IDLE on Ubuntu 22.04?

To install Python IDLE on Ubuntu, first, update the package list:

sudo apt update

Then, install Python IDLE on Ubuntu 22.04 by utilizing the underlying command:

sudo apt install idle3 -y

How to Launch Python IDLE on Ubuntu 22.04?

Access Python IDLE by executing the below command:


Now, write a piece of code and press enter as shown below:

print("I am linux_genie author")

How to Remove/ Uninstall Python IDLE on Ubuntu 22.04?

Furthermore, to remove Python IDLE on Ubuntu 22.04 use the lower command:

sudo apt remove idle

That was all from the efficient guide about installing Python IDLE on Ubuntu 22.04.


In this guide, we have demonstrated how to update, install, access, and uninstall Python IDLE on Ubuntu 22.04. To install Python IDLE on Ubuntu 22.04, update the package list and then use the “sudo apt install idle3 -y” and then access it using the “idle” command. At last, to uninstall Python IDLE on Ubuntu 22.04 execute the “sudo apt remove idle” command.

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